JobAligner App

The JobAligner Work Happiness App is the start of a journey towards more individual work happiness and organizational development. To make work happiness practical and measurable, we implement 5 work happiness modules.

  • Your organization receives a modern community where you can share all kinds of positive messages (module 1).
  • To make employees more familiar with the DNA of your organization, you fill in the DNA blueprint (module 2).
  • You and your team get to work on answering provocative work happiness questions (module 3).
  • Periodically, JobAligner analyzes the completed answers and makes the work happiness trends as well as the key work happiness boosters visible (module 4).
  • In the leadership programs, managers receive concrete advice on how to increase work happiness (module 5).

In short: the integral work happiness formula consists of 5 work happiness modules that are fully tailored to your organization and guarantee an increase in work happiness.

Good to know: the look and feel of the work happiness app is aligned with your organization's corporate identity and name, so your employees will feel instantly familiar with it.

Integrated Work Happiness Module 1

JobAligner Community

Through the JobAligner Community, you get access to your own app community. Thus, a modern communication channel that strengthens the bond with your team and individual colleagues even more. Through your community, you can inform your employees about various things such as company outings, birthdays, new colleagues, anniversaries, new clients, real-time polls, product innovations, (personal) challenges, fun facts, date pickers... etc.

By sharing exclusively positive messages, engagement and work atmosphere improves by leaps and bounds. The interaction also allows colleagues to get to know each other in a relaxed way, enhancing the team spirit.

In short: the community is not only functional for quickly sharing messages but also contributes to greater work happiness.

Integrated Work Happiness Module 2

JobAligner DNA

Turn every employee into an ambassador of the organization by familiarizing them with your DNA blueprint. Under DNA, you can include all relevant information about your company. Think of: core values, mission, vision, smile box ideas, testimonials, customer reviews, strategy, activities calendar, etc.

The DNA makes your organization clearly recognizable for every employee. This way, they can easily identify with the core information of your organization.

The DNA thus fosters more unity and connection.

Integrated Work Happiness Module 3

JobAligner Work Happiness Route

To increase work happiness, it is essential that it receives continuous attention. Therefore, JobAligner has developed a sophisticated Work Happiness Route, consisting of over 50 work happiness themes. This immediately clarifies how your employees experience the work atmosphere, meaning, work pressure, recognition, autonomy, work-life balance, growth opportunities, and so on.

Managers and employees answer several work happiness questions weekly. Responding to these stimulating questions is key to boosting work happiness. Just filling out the questions leads to greater self-awareness. And self-awareness leads to more work happiness!

Integrated Work Happiness Module 4

JobAligner Analytics & Advice

Dive deep into the heart of your organization with JobAligner. Our periodic analyses provide concrete tools to boost work happiness and grow your organization.

  • JobAligner Analytics
    Periodically, JobAligner filters the essence from the responses and puts the spotlight on the open answers that matter. This way, trends within the organization become visible, and one can act upon them.
  • JobAligner Advice
    Periodically, JobAligner launches improvements that benefit work happiness and elevate the development of the organization.

Integrated Work Happiness Module 5

JobAligner Leadership Programs

In our periodic leadership programs, successfully managing work happiness is central. For this, we use the outcomes of your work happiness statistics (based on module 4).

  • Compiling Leadership Programs
    We are well aware that every change requires time and energy. Under the motto: less is more, we focus on 2 improvements with the greatest impact on work happiness. This ensures practical applicability and guaranteed success.
  • Work Happiness Meeting Managers
    To ensure a successful implementation, we periodically engage in a (online) Work Happiness Meeting. You will receive valuable methods to implement the selected improvement points.

Work Happiness Launch… Success Guaranteed

The secret of a successful work happiness launch is determined by thorough preparation. That is why cooperation and exchange of relevant information in the pre-launch phase deserves full attention. All steps in the preparation phase have been recorded and documented with military precision, see examples below. This way the collaboration runs smoothly. And together we ensure that the work happiness launch is a success.

  • The 'Pre-launch document' describes all matters that must be arranged in advance to make your app launch a success.
  • The 'Onboard- and Inspiration document' gives you guidance at the kick-off and communication about optimizing work happiness within your organization.
  • The 'Quick Introduction Guide Employees document' ensures that your employees receive the work happiness app with enthusiasm.

In short: crystal clear agreements and clear preparation documents guarantee a successful launch of the Work Happiness Formula within your organization.

Distinctive Strengths Integrated Work Happiness Formula

  • You will receive your own work happiness app. This way, work happiness gets the daily attention it deserves!
  • The integrated work happiness formula is successful and scientifically substantiated.
  • Every employee is given an active role and responsibility to improve work happiness.
  • Work happiness in the organization is approached both top-down and bottom-up.
  • Our work happiness formula can be used immediately in your organization and produces results within 12 months.
  • The DNA blueprint within the app provides more unity and connection.
  • Measuring is knowing. The work happiness rate is determined by the data obtained about your organization.
  • The integrated work happiness formula combines attention to the soft human side with the realization of hard entrepreneurial goals.
  • JobAligner closes the gap between leadership, organizational development, and personal growth.
  • You will have access to your own app community. This will strengthen the "we" feeling and colleagues will get to know each other better!
  • The integrated work happiness formula changes your corporate culture in the desired direction.